By: Andy Robins
Kalamazoo, MI
November 30, 2011
Although the answer may seem obvious, scientists are still trying to figure out how we come to think of ourselves as male or female. Brown University biologist Anne Fausto-Sterling says it isn’t necessarily determined by anatomy. And she says the notion that our brains are “hard-wired” to be male or female before we’re born is mistaken.
Fausto-Sterling is a professor of biology and gender studies who has written books on the subject and is a blogger for Psychology Today. She says there is no “necessary connection” between the chromosomes of an unborn child and their later gender identity, something she says doesn’t start to become clear until the age of three. She says an infant born with XX chromosomes can come to feel male, and vice-versa.
Click here to listen to the interview and read the entire article.